What can MSB and Secure Insight do for you? Below are two examples of how we’ve helped our clients improve their security.*
Of course, this is just a small sample of the many benefits of using the Secure Insight process. To learn more, give us a call at (703) 553-2571.
*Due to the sensitive nature of our business, we are unable to disclose our client’s names in any promotional materials.
I. Security Control Prioritization:
Are you focused on the right controls?
Before bringing us in, the security manager of a mid-sized organization (approximately 10,000 people) had identified viruses as their top security threat. In addition, all of their top five threats were identified as coming from external sources.
But when the company went through the Secure Insight process, it turned out that they had relatively strong security controls against external threats, but weak controls against internal threats. Then, during the development of their risk scenarios, the security staff recalled that a few sub-contractors had corrupted some data just before the end of their contract.
Secure Insight had already prioritized some categories of internal threats higher than initially identified. Then the system helped our client identify specific security controls that other organizations use to mitigate these types of threats.
The result?
The company recognized it was at risk in more areas than they first thought, and they were able to quickly and easily reduce those security risks.
II. The Basis for Good Decisions:
Are you getting the information you need?
A small organization (two thousand people) went through the Secure Insight process in order to better prioritize their risks. Because they were too small for a full time response staff, the organization did not have an incident response team
During the Secure Insight process, they realized they were not very confident about the accuracy of the information they provided (i.e. how often certain types of threats occurred, or the impact of those threats). The Secure Insight method also pointed out that they did not have a system in place for documenting incidents.
Secure Insight gave them a format for data collection. Plus, they were still able to use the results of our process to justify additional network monitoring tools and intrusion detection systems.
The result?
By creating a system for capturing the frequency, and impact (when possible), of security incidents, they will gain better insight into their true risks. And they will be able to make more informed decisions about their security investments in the future. |